
Peer-to-peer fantasy prediction: Trade on real world events!

FansPredict is Lepricon's own fans-first prediction market platform.

Turning anything from sporting events to music awards: anything you may become a fan of can now be traded upon, as long as the question people are predicting on has binary outcomes.

Confused? No problem, this page contains a brief overview of FansPredict.

For more detailed information, we recommend you check out our FansPredict guide:

What are Prediction Markets?

Simply put, prediction markets are crowdsourced trading on real world events that have binary outcomes.

Just like how you may trade stocks, participating in FansPredict allows players to trade on what they predict will be the most likely outcome of an event or hypothetical event.

The prediction pools can be as simple as "Will Usain Bolt win the upcoming 100 meter race in the Olympics?" to "If Harry Potter went into a battle against Neville Longbottom, who would win?"

Prediction markets are legally not a form of gambling, because of the nature of how it predicts on binary outcomes and that the results can be crowd-defined.

We highly recommend you take a look at this explanation page:

Why Blockchain?

One of the greatest strengths of blockchain is that it presents an economic model that allows anyone to get involved, and have full transparency on transactions. Blockchain also links to private data through strings of code - people are identified by their wallet address, rather than their email, home address or phone number.

This means that a prediction market like FansPredict allows people to earn, buy and sell shares in a transparent yet privacy-protecting manner.

Last updated