What is FansPredict?

What is FansPredict?

FansPredict is an event trading platform, using community peer-to-peer prediction markets to allow anyone to trade on events, just like stocks.

Turn any hot topic, show or upcoming match into a gamified conversation and reap the rewards!

Made by fans for fans.

How does it work?

FansPredict allows fans to take binary positions on outcomes for real-world events. Add tokens (a process called Liquidity) to questions by buying "shares" of the option you think is right, get it right, and earn then appropriated amount of reward!

For example, the question might be "Will Germany will win the World Cup in Qatar 2022?" and any player can bet on either "Yes" or "No". If you get it right, you earn the rewards in the pool!

FansPredict is a fun way to get involved with real world conversations and the incentivized aspect of prediction markets allow users to see information gamified.

Still confused? No worries! Learn about Prediction Markets here

What is the token?

Participating and providing liquidity in FansPredict will earn users $L3P, FansPredict native utility token.

$L3P is a cryptocurrency existing on blockchain. You can learn more about $L3P here

Is there any risk?

No platform can be considered entirely risk free. The risks related to FansPredict are the smart contract risk (risk of a bug within the protocol code) and the risk of a wrong prediction (risk of losing the prediction amount in case of a wrong prediction). Every possible step has been taken to minimise the risk as much as possible.

Mobile app

Be careful, FansPredict doesn't have any downloadable mobile application available yet. If you find one, it is a scam.

Additional information and resources about FansPredict

(Links coming soon)

Last updated