What do I need to start playing?

FansPredict is a game that uses blockchain technology. In order to participate, therefore, it is necessary to have 2 key things:

  • Wallet

  • $BNB & $L3P


Wallets are at the heart of the blockchain ecosystem. Wallets are essentially a private key that you hold to access a part of the blockchain ecosystem that stores the assets you own.

FansPredict currently connects only to Metamask

You can get Metamask here.

It is essential that you keep your private key seed phrase private. FansPredict will NEVER ask you to enter your private key or seed phrase. If you ever see that appear on FansPredict, please inform us immediately and do not proceed further.


BNB is the native token for BNB Chain - the primary blockchain that FansPredict currently runs on.

You will need BNB to play version 1 of FansPredict. Get it here:

L3P is the native token, that exists on BNB Chain, of the Lepricon ecosystem.

To learn more about the Tokenomics of L3P (the economy of how L3P works!), please see:

Last updated